review comments
will be in black and parentheses ()
wt quotes
When I read the title of the article to be studied at yesterday's WT meeting, I started doing the laundry and cleaning up around the house; my husband noticed that I looked hurried, so I plain told him I had tons of stuff to get done so I wasn't going to the meeting. He seemed unconcerned this time if I went or not.
In my mind I thought "Oh brother, here they go again with the same old 'cry wolf' deal". No way will I waste 3 hours of my precious afternoon!
you can spot 'em at christmas.
the spare, neat house with no santy clause out front.
the jw neighbour.
This is plain silly and ignorant. Just live your life and let your JW or otherwise neighbors live theirs.
JWs are just as busy as the next person living their hurried lives to even bother thinking about their neighbors' decorations, the name of the neighbors' dogs, or other silly stuff. So, don't sweat it and move on to more productive stuff.
i wonder if a person could get away with suing the watchtower for stressful thinking and loss of life.
because if you think about it, it's illegal to tell people what to do (slavery), but they claim that everyone has the right mind and that they aren't telling anyone what to do.
i wonder if you could get it suggested by the courts that wts tries to control through written language in the watchtower magazine or somethin, iono.
Good luck with that endeavor!!!
Hope you have enough time and money to devote to this campaign. In the long run... you'll lose. Guaranteed.
I mean, the WTBTS, regardless of how we all may feel, continue to grow bigger and more prosperous each day while here we continue to marinate in our past/present experiences with it. For real, the best way to deal with this is to forget it ever was part of our lives and continue on growing in different directions.
i am no longer in touch with anyone i've had a relationship with in the past.. there was one man that i stayed friends with long after i had got over the relationship.
however, the "staying friends" stuff dragged out the process of getting over the breakup to painful lengths.
the friendship lasted as long as he needed a mate in the area to pass an evening with when he was around here, and someone to fill out the numbers and buy a present when he got married.
In this regard, I take the drastic approach. When the loving relationship is over, it's really OVER!
"If I see you, look away 'cause I don't know you"
DY - Yeah, I know it's too drastic but it's the way that works in my case.
sometimes it may not be possible to get married for a lot of reasons so is it ok for a man and a woman just to live with each other?
Come now, you for sure know the Biblical and logical answer to that one. But you're in search of approval, aren't you?
Statistically speaking, those types of union don't work out well. First feelings get intense, then the 'no commitment' thing gets in the way and last there's an explosion resulting in each individual going their separate ways.
And, yes, there are plenty of excuses for shacking up without a piece of paper. However, statistics show the woman gets short end of the stick every time!
Commitment is definitely better. Yes, definitely!
everyone in the office was called to a big department meeting... with the exception of me and a few others.
we were called to another meeting.
yeah... i knew something was up.
Sorry Elsewhere. Being laid off is a humbling experience.
But, being an experienced Web developer, with some diligence you should be re-employed in no time flat.
last sunday's watchtower admits (p. 17) that "we are not under the mosaic law.
" but in the next paragraph it says that just as the tithing arrangement was not optional for the israelites, meeting attendance is also not optional for christians.
the first page of the february 2004 kingdom ministry tells us why.
The WTBTS can control every single aspect of your life, but only if you let them.
The key is not to ask any questions. You know, silly stuff like "what's the biblical point of view about this?" or "what should Christians do under these circumstances?", etc.
If mature individuals would only stop asking the elders or others in the lead silly questions, they would have less hold on people!
During a visit, about a year ago, I recall telling an elder if my hubby and I ever had any problems the elders would never know it, because if we were capable of making the problem we'd be capable of solving it too. The surprised look on his face was priceless. I've also told some sisters who've confided in me not to take their marital problems to the elders because they were mere imperfect men, and these have gotten back to them, so now I'm not very well looked upon by them.
since you've been experiencing your "liberation", how are you doing?
Haven't definitely left just yet; doing an extremely slow fade. However, feel pretty good mentally, emotionally, physically.
I've developed a network of friends at my work place, and with some community volunteer organizations.
The times I miss meetings or field service, I feel very at peace with my decision. Just love being at home, doing house work, watching some favorite TV show, or just reading a good book, or taking naps.
By my own experience, life is so much better now than having this threatning cloud of death hanging over me. That's exactly what I think meetings and field service is about, "do this or die" or "accept this as the truth or die". Man, forget that mentality! The true God is gotta be about something more peaceful than that.
I feel and act so at peace that my still fellow JWs can't explain why my so happy and positive attitude when, by WTBTS standards, I'm doing everything wrong!
The best revenge is living well and happy.
last sunday's watchtower admits (p. 17) that "we are not under the mosaic law.
" but in the next paragraph it says that just as the tithing arrangement was not optional for the israelites, meeting attendance is also not optional for christians.
the first page of the february 2004 kingdom ministry tells us why.
No wonder the 'spiritually strong' ones don't go out of their way to greet me at the few meetings I happen to attend? They must all think I'm already dead, so why bother.